Friday, July 22, 2011

A Night Out With Fellow Artist Carol Cox

So last night I braved a 1.5 hour ride on public transit in heels while 8 months pregnant to go check out the music video premiere of fellow artist and friend Carol Cox. Was it worth it? Hell yes! Not only was it great to get out after several months of being a pregnant shut in, but it's always a great feeling to share a pivotal moment in another artist's career.

Now, my interest in nightclubs has definitely taken a nose dive since I decided to sober up a few years ago, but Carol's energy and lust for life is so bloody infectious that I found myself jumping on the dance floor and shaking my ass(or what's left of it) until I forced myself to stop because I started to get contractions!

As the video premiered I found myself being quite impressed by the genuine emotional depth of the lyrics of what is essentially a pop song. As a general rule I'm not a huge fan of pop, but I find that Carol's work is distinctive because she actually writes her own songs and her song "Wasted" retained it's own unique soul in what is generally an over-produced, vapid, and soulless genre of music. The video was sexy, beautiful, energetic and shot entirely with green screen! All in all I had a great night.

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